Hello, my name is Zahid Sultan Khan Minhas and I am a lawyer with years of experience practicing in various courts including District & Session Courts, Gilgit-Baltistan Chief Court, Islamabad High Court, Lahore High Court, Peshawar High Court, Sindh High Court, Special Courts, Supreme Appellate Court of Gilgit Baltistan, and Supreme Court of Pakistan. I specialize in a wide range of practice areas including Copyrights & Trademarks Law, Auqaf & Religious affairs Law, Arbitration Law, Consumer Law, Anti-Corruption Law, Immigration Law, Civil Law, Landlord & Tenancy Law, Contract Law, Constitutional Law, Nab Law, Family Law, Environmental Law, Cantonments Law, Land Revenue Law, Customs Law, Cybercrime Law, Banking Law, Money laundering Law, Election & Political Law, Defamation Law, Criminal Law, Labour Law, Anti-Narcotics Law, Company Law, Employment Law, and Medical Negligence Law. If you require legal assistance in any of these areas, please feel free to reach out to me.

Zahid Sultan Khan Minhas
Advocate Supreme Court
B.A, L.L.B
Land Revenue Law | Immigration Law | Criminal Law | Civil Law | Constitutional Law | Contract Law | Copyrights & Trademarks Law | Customs Law | Arbitration Law | Employment Law | Company Law | Banking Law | Medical Negligence Law | Defamation Law | Labour Law | Family Law | Anti Narcotics Law | Auqaf & Religious affairs Law | Cantonments Law | Cybercrime Law | Election & Political Law | Environmental Law | Landlord & Tenancy Law | Money laundering Law | Nab Law | Anti Corruption Law | Consumer Law
Address & Location
Office No. 105-F, Atif Basharat Heights, 13-Fane Road, Lahore., Fane Road,, Lahore
Gilgit-Baltistan Chief Court | Islamabad High Court | Supreme Court | Sindh High Court | Special Courts | District & Session Courts | Lahore High Court | Supreme Appellate Court of Gilgit Baltistan | Peshawar High Court
English | Urdu | Punjabi | Saraiki
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Civil & Property Matter
Expert in Civil & Property upto Supreme Court